Ghoyatul Murid Kitab Tauhid

by Santri Online

Books & Reference


This Android application is an explanation of the Ghoyatul Disciple Book of Tauhid by Sheikh Shaleh Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Muhammad Bin Ibrahim Aly Sheikh. In Pdf format.The monotheism scholars have agreed that there is no book of monotheism in Islam that is compiled like the book of irii. This book is a book of preaching; which preaches monotheism, because the sheikh (author. Pent) has explained in it the fundamental postulates of monotheism. And also explains its meaning and priority, also explains things that are contrary to monotheism, and the obligation to fear it.He explained things related to monotheism of worship, monotheism of Asma and nature globally. And also explains about major shirk with examples, and minor shirk also with examples; explains the means that deliver the two types of shirk, as well as explaining the things that must be done to maintain monotheism from the two types of shirk above.He also explained things related to Rububiyah monotheism. Therefore, this book of monotheism is a very great book, which must be paid attention to, by memorizing, studying and understanding its contents. Because if you are in Maria, you definitely need her.Book of Tauhid: Tauhid is making something into one. Muslims have monotheified Allah, meaning: they have made their god one, namely Allah SWT.And there are three types of monotheism in the Book of Allah: Rububiyah monotheism, Uluhiyah monotheism, and Asma and Attributes monotheism.Tauhid Rububiyah means: monotheism (affirming) Allah in all His actions. And there are many acts of Allah, including: creating, giving sustenance, giving life, killing... the one who does it all perfectly is only Allah SWT.Tauhid Uluhiyah or Divineyah which is the mashdar form of the word 4 4jl which means: worship with full love and respect - that is, monotheism of Allah with all the servants actions. And the third type is monotheism of Asma and Attributes, meaning: a servant believes that Allah is one in Asma and His Attributes, which there is nothing like.Hopefully the material content of this application can be useful for self-introspection and better improvement in everyday life.Please provide reviews and input for the development of this application, give a 5 star rating to encourage us in developing other useful applications.Happy reading.Disclaimer:All content in this application is not our trademark. We only get content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creator concerned. We aim to share knowledge and make learning easier for readers with this application, so there is no download feature in this application. If you are the copyright holder of the content files contained in this application and do not like your content displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about your ownership status on that content.